January’s Give Up/Take On

It’s a new month. It has been for more than a week now. And I’m just now getting to my January post.

My friend asked me yesterday what my “thing” was for this month. (By my “thing” she meant this “thing.”) Although I had thought about it a little, I hadn’t fully committed (kind of defeating the purpose, huh?). So, I had to make a quick decision.

Give up: slouching

Take on: making the bed daily

These two have nothing to do with each other, really. I’m a chronic sloucher. It’s bad, and it’ll only get worse if I don’t work at it. So for this month I’ll work on not slouching. I look better when I don’t slouch, anyway. Shouldn’t that be motivation enough?

I’m also a chronic leave-the-bed-unmade-er. And it really doesn’t matter. But I explained to my friend that it would be a symbolic challenge. I’m not the neatest person in the world. No, there aren’t empty pizza boxes lying around my apartment or things growing under my bed (that I know of), but I’m definitely messy. I grew up in a really clean home; that’s just the way my parents have always been. So I know it’s possible. But for some reason I’ve found it difficult to maintain that on my own (and it’s just amplified by living with another messy person).

I want to change that about myself, but, realistically, I need to take small steps. One of those steps is making the bed. At least during the week. (I’m allowed to take a break on weekends.) I know it’s something I can do. Something that will take five extra minutes in the morning.

Good luck to me.

I’ll blog a wrap-up to December’s Give Up/Take On later.

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